Designed by DianaHansenYoung
Digital download
Digital file type(s): 1 JPG
About this item
I lived for many years in the rural part of Kahalu'u, on a farm tucked under the Koolau Mountains. Down the road from us was an old Hawaiian plantation-style shack (known to all who have taken the beach road along Kahalu'u), whose owners sold all manner of fresh papayas, pineapples, lilikoi, pomelo, guavas, and mountain apples. They also sold full hands of the most delectable apple bananas, short and sweet. But when there were sold out for the day, they put out their sign: YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAS TODAY. I don't know if it referenced the old song (their inside joke), or if it was just a sign, but it made me smile whenever I passed by.
This is a digital download (7 MB). It will probably print up to 11"X14" or larger - but you can easily size it to 8" x 10" to fit 81/2" x 11" standard printer paper. Or use printer canvas, watercolor paper, t-shirt transfer, card stock, or fabric (folks have quilted or appliqued these onto clothing and totes, too). Or, make cards, any size. You're welcome to reprint the download as many times as you like, but for personal use or gifts (no resale).
And then kick back and mourn the fact that Yes, We Have No Bananas Today.
Yes, We Have No Bananas Today Digital Download
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