Designed by DianaHansenYoung
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Digital file type(s): 1 JPG
About this item
I remember when I moved to Hawaii in 1966, I stepped of the plane and the colors were bright and happy, and the sky was an impossible blue. But the ocean! Phosphorous blues and greens! I took a small studio bungalow at the far end of Waikiki, one of the old structures from the 30's that have long since been demolished.
Those were the days when you could look out from your lanai to a pristine beach, walk across the road, swim, and come home, leaving your slippers at the open sliding glass door. It's gone now, but I was moved to paint Waikiki From My Lanai as I remembered it in 1966.
This is a digital download (7.7MB). It will probably print up to 11"X14" or larger - but you can easily size it to 8" x 10" to fit 81/2" x 11" standard printer paper. Or use printer canvas, watercolor paper, t-shirt transfer, card stock, or fabric (folks have quilted or appliqued these onto clothing and totes, too). Or, make cards, any size. You're welcome to reprint the download as many times as you like, but for personal use or gifts (no resale).
And then kick back and enjoy the view of old Hawaii - old Waikiki - from my lanai.
Waikiki From My Lanai - Digital Download
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