Designed by DianaHansenYoung
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About this item
Around sunset in Hawaii, there is a color that I have never been able to describe in words - a mix of a gray-green dusk with a rosy tint. I have always thought of this time of day as Evensong.
Although "evensong" is an old Anglican word that describes the time for evening prayers to be said, dusk in Hawaii is both spiritual and magical, when you are at peace because you are at one with the land, the aina, and your fellow human beings. It is a time for meditation and reflection for humans, naps for ginger cats, and my favorite time of the day in Hawaii. Sometimes, at the very moment the sun sets over the horizon, you can see the elusive "green flash" when fishermen say they saw God in a phosphorous haze of eternity.
This is a digital image sized to 8 X 10, but the file is large, and you can resize it up to 11 x 14. Print it out on good paper, cloth, canvas, or whatever you want, or take it to one of the online services or drug store photo departments (or Costco) and have it printed up large, on canvas bars or paper! You can download it as many times as you want.
Let it remind you of the magical qualities of that dusky color of a Hawaiian evensong.
EVENSONG Digital Download
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